Friday, May 18, 2007
Other galeries and videos of Second Life
Monday, May 14, 2007
The not completed newBerlin in SL is situated on a SIM, with the televisiontower in its center. SIMs are the virtual units in SL for measuring territoriums. Passers-by can visit the virtual part of newBerlin at a PC-Screen during the event.
Artists wanted
What you need to expose, is a conceptional view or idea of what art may be in SL or RL. and an experienced style.
Welcome all kind of object, painted, graphical, fashion or archtiectal arts.
Intereseted? Please IM Lara Delgado in Second Life or send an email per blog.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The first vernissage and the opening of the OAM

We had had our grand opening at the opening celebration of the machmit isle in Second Life.
Before the opening there were many things to do. Terraforming of the terrain of the Museum, building, concepts, descriptions and programming oft he infopoints and teleports. Arrangement of the artworks. Its the first time I am owner of a kind of galery and I had no experience with arrangements of artworks, no guideline how to direct the visitors successfully through my exhibition.
First exhibited artist of the museum is myself, or better my Avatar Lara Delgado, it is my SL name and being designer and artist in Reallife I decided to exhibit my Reallife pictures in Second Life.
It was exciting and a little bit disappointing to upload my pictures and to see the effect they make in the virtual environment of SL.
My style of painting is a kind of expressionism. Exagerating the colours of landscapes I have in my head, these pictures have got a very emotional expression. In RL they are mostly bigger than 1 meter. In Second Life I was afraid that the effect of my big paintings from RL is not transferable in the world of 3D animations. In SL everything is made with pictures, here called textures. 8textures are used to create the surface of 3D elements, to make them looking real) So I made the experience that simply transferring pics from one world in the other may not be the last step to do for someone creative.
Now the museum is existing about 2 weeks and I am a little bit tranquilized. I even sold some pictures in SL. My first client was a RL arts collector. He was also interested in the real originals, but residing in the mexican desert (I wonder that there is DSL available), the way of getting together to have a look on the originals was too complicated.
The concept of the SL Open Art Museum

Heartly welcome to the first Blog of the OpenArt Museum!
This Museum is a place in the virtual world of Second Life.
The main concept is based on the word „open“ .. open for all who are creating, open for all who are admiring the process of creation and looking for its newest results.The only condition to participate and to expose at this place is to have a creative concept and to have an idea of the possibilities 3D arts can give to us in our online world.
The Museum itself is situated in a virtual garden. Artwork is presented in a kind of surreal ambiente. A garden of art.
We plan to have changing exhibitions of different artists and art themes.
Possible art themes could be:
Objects, animated objects,
Paintings and Graphics,
Fashion, Architectur,
Multimedia Films,
We are opening each exhibition with a public vernissage, this can be accompagnied by musical events, like concerts, or readings.
The OpenArtMuseum will not be a place of trading, therefor its name Museum, it would more be a reflection of arts in the 3D world of LindenLab.
Ther will be no freebies, but naturally you can contact the artist himself to buy his artwork, in the virtual or real world.
Adresses and description you will find beside the artwork at the red information points.
The sponsoring of the OAM:
Concepts for Marketing, on-/offline, fairs and exhibition.